To access these messages there are 4 ways.
1. To listen to them over the internet, please click on the file, then wait for it to hook up.
2. To listen to the message at your leisure later on, you can save and keep the file. Right click on the file link again and select "save target as" find your location you would like to save it on your computer and your done! Now you can listen to it in your desired player at a time that suits you best.
3. Podcasting - Podcasting is used for automatic downloading of files through podcasting applications like iTunes that can be used on your iPod/MP3 player, smart phone, tablet or PC.
4. Video - To watch the weeks video stream replay click on the green "MCC Morning Service" link.
If you would like to podcast these messages you will need to have itunes or a similar podcasting app.
Click on the podcast icon below and it will take you to the podcast page for more information and instructions on how to do this.
If you would like to hear selected messages further back than those listed, please use the podcasting function to access these or email us by clicking here.
We hope you enjoy.
(Video of the last service is available on the home page. Just click on the play button.) 2 February 2025