Monthly Thought

Another perspective on issues in life

Reflect on the following:

If you were to imagine the best version of yourself, what, or who, would you imagine?

I don’t have much trouble thinking up the best version of myself. She’s kind, funny, easy going but still passionate in all the right places; she’s supportive and encouraging to her loved ones; she forgives easily and keeps calm in tense situations…. The list could go on. I do however have a very hard time being the best version of myself. My own emotions, bodily limitations, troublesome thoughts and even selfish inclinations seem to keep getting in the way of being who I would really like to be.

Do you know that Jesus has a vision of you, even better than you can imagine, that he desires to form and grow you into?

There are at least three ways the Bible speaks of Jesus helping us find and be the best version of ourselves.

Firstly, Jesus took the spiritual consequences of our sins for us by dying on the cross. Jesus willingly took the punishment for us so we can be forgiven and freed from all the ways we mess up and fall short. If we trust in what Jesus did, we don’t need to live as guilty or ashamed anymore. We can live knowing we are loved and declared innocent and that makes a big difference to how we treat ourselves and others. Here’s two Bible verses explaining this, have a look at 1 Corinthians 5:17-21 and 1 Peter 3:18.

Secondly, Jesus sends his Holy Spirit to all who trust him. By his Spirit, Jesus is guiding, comforting and transforming his people to be the glorious version he created them to be. To be all the things I mentioned above that I aspire to… kind, forgiving, encouraging and so much more. We are not alone in an effort to be better versions of ourselves, Jesus is with us by the Holy Spirit to help us in this. See John 14:25-2 and 2 Corinthians 3:17-18.

Thirdly, there is a time in the future when those who trust Jesus will be completely and perfectly transformed into the best version of themselves. This life and world is not going to last forever. There is a time when it will all come to an end. Those who have rejected forgiveness through Jesus will be judged and punished by God. However, those who trust in Jesus will be forgiven and made perfect in every way, physically, spiritually and emotionally. To get a glimpse of this read Philippians 3:18-21 and 2 Corinthians 5:1-5.

Would you like to be the best version of yourself? A perfect version even? Jesus has the desire and power to help you become that if you trust in him.

PRAYER: Dear Jesus, I want to be better. I want to be the best version of myself. The one you want me to be. Please help me to trust in your forgiveness and power to transform me. Amen.